by Staff Blogger | December 14th, 2015

There are countless factors that play a role in an accident involving a tractor-trailer, but the California truck accident lawyers at Berg Injury Lawyers explain one of the most preventable and common causes of these types of crashes is poorly maintained equipment. From worn tires to malfunctioning braking systems, negligence in properly maintaining a truck’s parts and equipment happens more often than you would think. According to an article from NBC Bay Area News, a California truck accident occurred in July 2014 along the northbound lanes of Highway 17 after a truck driver failed to bring his vehicle to a stop for traffic ahead. A Santa Cruz man was killed and seven others were seriously injured as a result of the crash. An investigation into the incident determined the company who owned the vehicle had let the truck’s brakes become worn, leaking, and in need of adjustment at the time of the crash. Inspectors ruled the faulty brakes likely played a role in the crash occurring. A California truck accident like this proves how dangerous negligent vehicle maintenance can be, and the California personal injury lawyers at Berg Injury Lawyers are hopeful the crash will encourage those working in the trucking industry to ensure their vehicles are safe before taking them onto the road.