Nursing Home Abuse
How to Pick a Safe Nursing Home
February 5th, 2020
If you’re considering how to pick a safe nursing home, then you or someone you love likely needs specialized care. Choosing the right facility is a big decision, and you’re right to be taking it seriously. |What to Consider When Searching a Nursing Home
Just like any other important decision in life, choosing a nursing home requires forethought and research. Our free guide covers the many factors you’ll need to consider when creating your shortlist of potential candidates. Once you have that field narrowed, you can dig into what each offers and compare that with your requirements. There are qualities you should look for in an ideal nursing home and warning signs that could signal inadequate care. Our guide provides a list of both, so you’ll be prepared to recognize a facility that is as safe as possible.Signs that a Nursing Home Isn’t Up to Par
Some nursing homes are staffed by people who aren’t good at their jobs. Staff members can not only overlook the needs of their residents, but also abuse or neglect them. Warning signs that a loved has been improperly cared for include:- Poor hygiene
- Malnutrition
- Dehydration
- Bruises, cuts, or fractures
- Drastic changes in mood or personality
- A noticeable fear of staff members or other residents
Contact Berg Injury Lawyers with Any Questions
The safety of your loved one is obviously your biggest concern. To make sure a nursing home is one you can trust, you’ll need to do some research and identify warning signs of a dangerous nursing home. The more thorough you are when making your decision, the better the chance you’ll find a facility that is right for you and your loved one. Unfortunately, some people only realize how poor a nursing home’s care is after a loved one suffers an injury. If this sounds familiar and you’re considering taking legal action, don’t hesitate to contact an attorney immediately. We hope our tips help you pick a safe nursing home. If you or your loved one suffers from emotional or physical abuse or neglect in a nursing home, you should know that you have options. Contact the California nursing home abuse attorneys at Berg Injury Lawyers today to schedule a free consultation.Your Family Deserves Compensation After Nursing Home Abuse or Neglect
September 30th, 2019
Making the decision to move your loved one into a nursing home can be a difficult one. You may be worried about their health and well-being when in the care of others, while they may be worried about their loss of privacy and independence. Most nursing homes take good care of their residents, but not all value residents’ health and happiness. When nursing homes are driven by profit rather than care and compassion, residents often suffer. That’s because those nursing homes may hire undertrained and underqualified employees to handle many essential tasks that directly affect residents’ day-to-day lives. In addition, they may understaff to save money, putting more stress on individual employees and making it more difficult for them to provide adequate care and attention to residents. Nursing homes are only as effective as their staff members, and when management and owners cut costs, residents often feel the brunt of those decisions. That can lead to serious issues such as abuse, including physical, emotional, and sexual abuse, as well as neglect. Residents who are neglected may be left alone for long periods of time, or they may not receive food, medication, and baths as frequently as they should. At Berg Injury Lawyers, we want all families with loved ones living in California nursing homes to know that they have rights if their loved ones are mistreated. When you call us, our | California nursing home abuse lawyers will investigate the facility’s mistreatment of your loved one, and we’ll hold them accountable to help you get full compensation. Contact us today for a free consultation.3 Reasons to Get a Lawyer if You Suspect Nursing Home Abuse or Neglect
January 21st, 2019
|As anyone with a loved one living in a nursing home knows, the facilities are often expensive and may be difficult to get into. For many people, those facts create a false sense of security and confidence in their loved ones’ care. Unfortunately, many nursing homes put profits at the top of their priority lists—not providing top-quality care to residents.
To achieve that, nursing homes may be purposely understaffed, forgo effective training regimens, or hire inexperienced workers to take care of residents. Any of those negligent hiring practices can result in poor resident care—and sometimes, it can even result in abuse and neglect.
At Berg Injury Lawyers, our California nursing home abuse attorneys fight for the rights of both victims and their families after nursing home mistreatment occurs. If you believe there’s a chance that your loved one was abused or neglected in a nursing home, it’s our goal to help in the following ways:
- We can look for evidence that abuse or neglect occurred—Nursing homes almost always deny that mistreatment occurred, but we know what evidence to look for and collect to leave no doubt about what happened.
- We can investigate how your loved one suffered as a result of the abuse or neglect—If your loved one’s health declined after being abused or neglected, we can collect evidence that links his or her mistreatment to new health problems and complications.
- We can negotiate to get you maximum compensation—By calculating how much the abuse or neglect incidents will cost your family, we can fight to get you and your loved one the money you deserve.
If you suspect nursing home abuse or neglect, don’t wait to get experienced legal help. Call us today for a free consultation.
How can a lawyer help if your loved one suffered nursing home abuse or neglect?
April 16th, 2018
Making the decision to move your loved one into a nursing home isn’t easy. But millions of Americans have to make that difficult decision every year based on their loved ones’ health and the best interests of their well-being in the years to come. At | Berg Injury Lawyers, we know that nursing homes can be positive places where people enjoy a strong sense of community and excellent care—but they can also be places where abuse and neglect occur frequently—even daily. If you suspect that your loved one was abused or neglected at their nursing home facility, having a California nursing home abuse lawyer on your side can help to:- Verify that abuse or neglect occurred—It’s important to have an experienced team on your side that knows abuse and neglect and can pursue it when the facts and evidence show it occurred.
- Link your loved one’s physical or psychological damage to the abuse or neglect—To have a strong case, it’s not enough to just prove that abuse or neglect happened. Our legal team can also prove that mistreatment at the nursing home led to serious physical and mental health problems.
Nursing Home Abuse: Looks Can Be Deceiving
February 6th, 2017
Placing your aging loved one into a nursing home and assisted living facility isn’t how you envisioned the final chapter of their lives beginning. If it were possible to take care of them 24/7 on your own, you would probably like to do so. However, that’s not always the reality. The next best thing is a finding a nursing home that will care for your loved one as you would, while upholding their dignity in the process. You did all the research, visited all the different facilities your loved one could afford, and selected the one you felt was a good match. Unfortunately, looks can be deceiving from the outside. Every year, thousands of nursing home abuse claims are filed across the United States on behalf of victims. However, for every victim who receives justice, there are many who suffer in silence. Whether it’s due to intimidation from nursing home staff or an inability to recognize the harm that is being done to them, they tell no one what they’re going through. That’s why it’s vitally important that you do not ignore any indicators that your loved one is being abused or neglected, such as: |- bed sores,
- broken bones,
- poor nutrition,
- unexplained injuries,
- over-sedation,
- and weight changes.
Nursing Home Abuse: Know What to Look For
December 5th, 2016
No one wants to be a burden, especially your aging loved one. They decided it was time to seek assisted care because they knew their needs were greater than any one person could provide. You helped them find the best facility you could, but you don’t know what goes on once you leave, making it hard to know if your loved one is getting the care they deserve. That’s why it’s important that you constantly ask your aging loved one if they feel they’re being treated with dignity and respect, as well as look for signs of abuse or neglect. Here are some common signs that your loved one may be the victim of nursing home abuse: |- Abnormally pale complexion
- Bruises in a pattern that suggest restraints
- Excessive and sudden weight loss
- Fleas, lice, or dirt on resident or in resident’s room
- Poor personal hygiene or other unattended health problems
- Torn clothing or broken personal items
- Unpleasant odors
- Untreated bedsores, wounds, cuts, bruises, or welts
Common Types of Nursing Home Abuse and How to Prevent Them
October 5th, 2015
The elderly population in the United States is suffering abuse and neglect at an alarming rate. Estimates show that 1-in-10 American citizens over age 65 will be harmed by a loved one or caregiver this year. However, officials say that number could be much higher, considering only 1-in-44 cases of | nursing home abuse or neglect is reported. These numbers leave many elderly citizens and their families wondering what some of the most common types of abuse and neglect are and what can be done to prevent such acts from occurring. An article from Consumer Reports highlights some of the most common ways the elderly are taken advantage of in today’s society. Telephone scams are emerging as one of the most common ways financial abuse is occurring today, but verbal and physical abuse occurs regularly as well. There are several steps we can take to protect our loved ones from being harmed at the hand of others though. One of the best ways is to simply be present. This means visiting often and being active in a loved one’s care. Check your loved one for signs of physical abuse, such as cuts or bruises, and ask them about the care they receive. If you have any suspicions that your loved one isn’t receiving the care they deserve, report the matter to the nursing facility’s management, as well as the proper authorities. We believe in protecting the health and rights of the elderly at Berg Injury Lawyers, and our California personal injury attorneys hope this information helps you to keep your loved one safe.Drug Injuries Raise Questions Regarding California Nursing Home Abuse
July 6th, 2015
Nursing home abuse can be defined as any willful or negligent act that causes harm to an elderly patient. One of the most common forms of nursing home abuse being reported today involves giving patients medications that may be unsafe. Our | California nursing home abuse lawyers at Berg Injury Lawyers point out that antipsychotic medications are often given to patients as a form of “chemical restraint”, regardless of warnings from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) saying the drugs may be unsafe for elderly patients to use. Haldol is one of the medications in question. The drug is typically used to treat patients suffering from a range of mental disorders, but sometimes the drug is used on nursing home patients as a means to control behavior. The practice is considered unsafe since data indicate the drug has been linked to heart failure in elderly patients. An article from ABC 10 News highlighted the story of a woman who lost her mother after nursing home staff administered the drug. The victim was considered healthy when she checked into the nursing home, but within two weeks her condition began to deteriorate rapidly and she died a short time later. The family of the victim has filed a complaint against the nursing home, claiming their actions are directly responsible for her loss. At Berg Injury Lawyers, we recognize the risks that can come with administering a medication to a patient. That’s why our California personal injury lawyers suggest being fully aware of any medications a nursing home may be distributing to your loved one.Could In-Home Care Options Put You at Risk of Nursing Home Abuse?
January 5th, 2015
If there’s one thing that’s inevitable, it’s change. The face of the nursing home industry is certainly undergoing some restructuring here in California. The elderly are opting to stay in their homes and receive medical care from providers who do house calls rather than moving into established nursing home or long-term care facilities. While these changes have many benefits, they may be putting citizens at a risk of becoming a | California nursing home abuse victim. Four times more Californians choose in-home care over residential facilities, but a lack of industry regulation and oversight can put these individuals at serious risk of harm. This leaves many Californians wondering what they can do to protect themselves and their loved ones from harm. The California personal injury lawyers with Berg Injury Lawyers suggest:- Screen Providers– Before deciding on a care provider, look at reviews and ask for opinions from current residents/patients and sources you trust. Once you’ve narrowed the list of potential candidates down, conduct interviews to determine the best provider for your needs.
- Be Present– One of the best ways to deter abuse is to make regular visits to the individual receiving care. Visitors should monitor the patient for signs of abuse or changes in behavior.
- Report Any Suspected Abuse– If you think a care provider is causing harm to a patient, be sure to report the incident and the individual to the proper authorities.
- Get an Attorney– A lawyer will be able to help explain what your legal rights are if your loved one has been harmed at the hands of a caregiver.
California Nursing Home Found In Violation of Patient Health and Safety Standards
October 29th, 2013
October 28, 2013 Data from the National Center on Elder Abuse shows an estimated 30 percent of nursing home residents are the victims of abuse or neglect each year. However, the number could be significantly higher due to the number of cases that go unreported. The | California Nursing Home Abuse Lawyers with Berg Injury Lawyers explain one Castro Valley, California, facility was recently shutdown due to allegations of abuse being committed at the facility. An article published by U-T San Diego explains an investigation into the facility was launched after inspectors discovered a patient had escaped the facility twice. Also, medical staff had failed to keep proper patient records, which led to medications not being properly dispensed to patients. The facility’s doors were closed; however, a total of 14 patients were left to fend for themselves at the site after the doors were shuttered. Paramedics were called to the scene last week after being contacted by a handful of staff members who had stayed to care for the patients despite not being paid. Investigators say the acts of neglect could lead to charges being filed against the owners and operators of the facility. Berg Injury Lawyer’s team of California Personal Injury Lawyers recognizes how difficult recovering from injuries caused by abuse and neglect can be and are here to help anyone who is the victim of nursing home abuse.