December 5th, 2016
No one wants to be a burden, especially your aging loved one. They decided it was time to seek assisted care because they knew their needs were greater than any one person could provide. You helped them find the best facility you could, but you don’t know what goes on once you leave, making it hard to know if your loved one is getting the care they deserve. That’s why it’s important that you constantly ask your aging loved one if they feel they’re being treated with dignity and respect, as well as look for signs of abuse or neglect. Here are some common signs that your loved one may be the victim of nursing home abuse:- Abnormally pale complexion
- Bruises in a pattern that suggest restraints
- Excessive and sudden weight loss
- Fleas, lice, or dirt on resident or in resident’s room
- Poor personal hygiene or other unattended health problems
- Torn clothing or broken personal items
- Unpleasant odors
- Untreated bedsores, wounds, cuts, bruises, or welts