July 30th, 2018

When you’re unable to go back to work, you’re supposed to be eligible to get compensation via the Social Security Disability (SSD) benefits program. But the Social Security Administration (SSA) makes it difficult for injured workers to get the money they deserve—and if you’re unfamiliar with the filing process, having a lawyer on your side can be extremely beneficial. The burden of proof for injured workers is heavy when they’re applying for SSD benefits. And in some cases, proving you were hurt at work and can’t return to your job isn’t enough. Even minor mistakes are known to jeopardize otherwise strong claims, leaving injured workers and their families scrambling to keep their heads above water. At Berg Injury Lawyers, our California Social Security Disability lawyers want to maximize your chances of getting the money you deserve by taking the following steps:
  • We’ll present evidence that supports your claim. The SSA is skeptical of most claims by default. Saying that you were hurt at work—even if your employer agrees—isn’t enough to get your claim approved. We’ll collect evidence that proves the on-the-job accident occurred and that the injuries you suffered are severe enough to keep you out of work for the foreseeable future.
  • We’ll make sure your claim is error-free and submitted on time. The SSA wants benefits claims to be complete, accurate, and submitted on time. But when you’re injured, it can be difficult to comply with those strict requirements. Let us handle the paperwork on your behalf. We know the SSA’s system, and we know what it takes to file a successful claim.
Don’t risk not getting the benefits you earned during your career. Call us today for a free consultation.