New Technology Being Tested To Prevent California Car Accidents
June 19th, 2012
| June 18, 2012 Last year, according to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), more than 32,000 people were killed as a result of motor vehicle traffic safety collisions. In an effort to curb this number, technology is being researched by the auto industry that would prevent accidents before they occur. One such piece of technology that was recently demonstrated at a safety seminar was Vehicle-to-Vehicle Communication (V2V). According to The San Francisco Chronicle, this allows cars to talk to other surrounding vehicles equipped with the same technology within 1,000-feet to help avoid a California Car Accident. In the demonstration, a Ford Taurus narrowly avoids being T-boned at an intersection thanks to alarms and lights set off by V2V, warning the driver to stop, after a light turns red and the view of a vehicle passing through the intersection along the perpendicular road is blocked by a parked truck. Furthermore, advanced versions of the technology do not depend on the driver to hit the pedals. It can actually stop the vehicle itself if it detects imminent danger. An administrator for the NHTSA, David Strickland, claims V2V, “ is our next evolutionary step … to make sure the crash never happens in the first place, which is, frankly, the best safety scenario we can all hope for.” The California Personal Injury Lawyers at Berg Injury Lawyers are hopeful to see more technology that saves lives being implemented by the auto industry.