September 23rd, 2019

If you were injured because of someone else’s negligence, you may be eligible for compensation by making a personal injury claim. However, you may be hesitant to take legal action, as you may be worried about the ramifications on the person who caused the accident. At Berg Injury Lawyers, we know that choosing to pursue damages after an injury can be a difficult decision for you and your loved ones—especially if the at-fault party is someone you know, such as a friend, family member, or coworker. When we take on your claim, we’ll handle it with the sensitivity and confidentiality it deserves while working to maximize your compensation. Contact our California accident lawyers today for a free consultation.

The 2 Sources of Compensation for Victims After Injuries

Personal injury claims are often complex, and it’s not uncommon for victims to pursue multiple avenues of compensation. When we build injury claims for victims like you, we seek compensation from the following:
  1. The at-fault parties’ insurance providers—In the vast majority of personal injury claims, victims collect compensation from insurance companies—not the people or parties who caused their accidents. That’s why auto accident coverage is required in all 50 states.
  2. The at-fault parties themselves—In a small number of cases, at-fault parties may have to pay out of pocket for victims’ expenses. For example, drivers who don’t carry auto insurance may have to personally pay victims compensation for causing accidents.
No two personal injury claims are alike, and factors like insurance coverage, who’s at fault, the amount of compensation needed, and the type of injury can all impact damages and how victims get paid.

We Know How to Build Strong Claims That Get Results

Insurance companies want to protect their profits, and companies and individuals may deny responsibility altogether after accidents. That means compiling convincing evidence can be difficult, let alone getting the money you deserve, when you try to pursue compensation on your own. When you contact our firm, we’ll investigate your injury, determine who was responsible, and plan the most effective way to get you every penny you deserve. Contact us today.