6 Motorcycle Safety Tips for California Riders

by Staff Blogger | February 15th, 2016

As spring approaches, there will be lots of opportunities to get out on your bike, and California has the best roads to ride. But as you prepare to pull out your bike, it’s important to keep safety in mind. Here are 6 safety tips to consider before you get out on the road.
  1. Always wear a helmet—No matter where you live or what the state laws are regarding helmets, you should always wear one. It is your best defense against traumatic brain injuries in the event of an accident.
  2. Know your limits—Staying within your riding comfort zone can help you avoid dangerous situations on your bike. Never push your limits.
  3. Keep a safe distance—Give cars in front of you at least 4-5 car lengths. This will give you plenty of time to stop if they have to slam on their brakes.
  4. Use both brakes—You have two sets of brakes for a reason. Use both the front and the back. Locking up your front wheel will almost certainly lead to a crash.
  5. Use Signals—Before turns, use your turn signals and hand signals. The more the drivers around you know of your intentions, the safer you will be.
  6. Know the weather—Before getting out for a ride, check the weather to make sure you don’t put yourself in a dangerous situation. If you do encounter inclement weather, get somewhere safe and wait it out.
Even the safest riders can’t always avoid an accident. If you’ve been injured in a motorcycle wreck, give our San Francisco motorcycle accident attorneys a call for a free consultation. We’ll do everything within our power to get compensation for your injuries.