Firework Safety Vital for Alameda County
July 5th, 2011
| July 4, 2011 With today being our country’s Independence Day, many people in Alameda County are scouring out locations that will be suitable for their own personal fireworks display. The heat that has recently dried out the area, combined with the open flames and sparks of fireworks, could prove to be quite a hazardous situation. In fact, the National Council On Firework Safety (NCFS) reported an estimated 7,000 injuries caused by fireworks in 2008 alone. That number was an all-time low, and the council credits consumer education on safety as the main contributing factor to the decrease in injuries. One firework retailer in Dublin, California, offers a safety warning to each customer who comes through the purchase line, “We ask them to please stay where it’s legal, we ask them to go to the parks that are designated for firing the fireworks.” Firing from an open area, like a park, can greatly reduce the risk of house and forest fires as hot ashes from the fireworks descend. The NCFS also suggests that after each firing device has burned out, it should be placed under a watering hose or bucket of water to ensure it is fully extinguished. The California Fire and Burn Injury Attorneys with Berg Injury Lawyers hope that everyone has a safe and enjoyable Fourth of July Celebration.