5 Tips for Motorcycle Road Share
May 17th, 2021
|Whether you are commuting to or from work or heading out for fun, sharing the roadways with motorcyclists is common. Unfortunately, road sharing results in a higher number of accidents daily, often leading to devastating injuries or death.
According to statistics, California has the highest number of registered motorcycles of all 50 states, so the likelihood of sharing the roadway with more than one is exceptionally high. A large percentage of collisions occur due to passenger vehicle distracted driving or failure to see a motorcyclist, so learning how to avoid these is the best way to get started in creating a safer state when it comes to road sharing.
When an accident does happen, you’ll need to seek legal advice to determine what your options are going forward. Contact a knowledgeable legal team specializing in motorcycle law and accidents so you can receive the thorough and experienced legal help you need.
With so many motorcycles on the road, keeping everyone safe is critical. You can do your part by staying alert and aware. Here are the 5 tips for motorcycle road share, creating a safer commute for everyone.
1. Stay Aware and Check Your Blind Spots
When in a passenger vehicle, be on the lookout for motorcyclists sharing the road and keep your distance. Knowing where these are at all times can help you stay focused and keep everyone safe.
One of the top causes of motorcycle accidents is a car driver’s failure to notice a motorcycle in time, often leading to severe injuries or even death. Passenger vehicle drivers often experience inattentional blindness; when the brain doesn’t always register what it is seeing. A motorcycle is an unexpected sight, often causing the brain to disregard or fail to notice it. Train yourself to look specifically for motorcycles as you drive, making it a habit to counteract inattentional blindness.
Double-check your blind spots every time before changing lanes. Motorcycles are easy to miss in a quick glance toward your blind spots, so make a conscious effort to check twice. Use your signal light to change lanes to alert a motorcyclist who may be driving at a faster pace.
2. Stay Back and Avoid Tailgating
When a motorcycle is ahead of you, allow for plenty of space between you and avoid getting too close. Just like a passenger vehicle, a motorcycle may have to slow or stop suddenly due to emergencies or change lanes to avoid an accident.
Motorcyclists may not always use their brakes right away but instead slow down by downshifting or relaxing the throttle, so always gauge your speed and distance. To be safe, stay two car lengths away from a motorcycle at all times.
This distance also helps if a motorcyclist’s turn signal does not self-cancel out. Many motorcycles do not have turn signals that shut off after a certain amount of time. Keeping your distance allows you plenty of time to react if a motorcyclist does decide to make a turn.
3. Be Extra Cautious in Bad Weather and at Night
Rain, sleet, and snow make the roads extra treacherous and slippery for two-wheeled riders. Windy conditions may cause motorcyclists to lose stability in their lanes, pushing them too close to other cars and barriers.
Both weather conditions and nighttime driving reduce visibility, requiring extra caution on your part to ensure you don’t miss a motorcycle near your car. Slow down in poor weather and at night, and increase your following distance. Turn off your high beams when a motorcycle approaches you, and refrain from passing if possible.
4. Use Extreme Caution at Intersections
Busy or blind intersections are dangerous for cars and trucks, but they can be deadly for motorcycles. Slow down, turn down your radio, and come to a complete stop at every intersection. Look both ways twice before proceeding, and pay attention to the flow of traffic. Proceed slowly through the intersection. Many drivers find it helpful to crack their window open and listen for the sound of a motorcycle approaching at an intersection.
5. Stay in Your Lane
No matter how small a motorcycle may be, they are entitled to the same amount of space in a lane as a car or truck. Treat a motorcycle exactly like another passenger or commercial vehicle and follow the same rules of the road. Do not try to share a lane with a motorcycle, and remain slow and steady while passing.
Contact Your California Motorcycle Accident Lawyers Today
All motorists are responsible for driving safely, looking out for others, sharing the roadways, and obeying traffic laws. Motorcyclists are more vulnerable to severe injury if involved in a collision with a car or truck. It only takes one small move or action to cause an accident, so stay safe by following these tips every time you venture out on the roadways.
If you, a loved one, or someone else you know is involved in a motorcycle accident, seek legal advice from our experienced California motorcycle accident lawyers today. We’ll review your case, negotiate with the insurance companies, and advise you on how to proceed.