On Which Side of the Statistic Will You Fall?
April 25th, 2016
| There is plenty of statistical data for personal injury claims. For instance, on average, accident victims with a lawyer get more money than those without. That statistic is based on the results hundreds of accident victims, just like you, received from their accident. If he or she had a lawyer on their side, they probably got more money for their injuries. You would think that statistic would lead most accident victims to call a lawyer after their accident, and you’d be right. A great number of accident victims do get a lawyer to represent them, but unfortunately, there are still a lot of people who go it alone. Those folks fail to take that important step for a number of reasons. Some wait too long and the statute of limitations runs out, while others simply didn’t know they had the option of securing legal counsel to defend their right to compensation. Whatever the reason, they’re now forever on the statistical side of folks that probably got less money for their injuries. If you’ve been injured in a car accident, you’ll soon become part of that statistic as well. Which side you fall on is completely up to what you do next: call a lawyer or go it alone. We recommend you call one of our San Francisco car accident lawyers immediately. We have both the experience and the expertise to handle your case with precision, and we’ll do everything within our power to get you maximum compensation for your injuries. Don’t wait to get the help you need. Call us today.